A circa 1970's eight-arm Swedish wrought iron chandelier with molded glass body and pendants in amber and clear.
Diameter: 33"
Minimum drop: 28"
A circa 1900 English chandelier with 6 arms and 2 interior lights. Body with red glass insets.
Drop without the fabric: 31"
Drop with the fabric: 39"
Diameter: 32"
A circa 1940's French hammered iron clock ten-arm chandelier with original painted finish and patina.
Height of body: 32"
Current drop (adjustable): 42"
Width: 36"
Depth: 21"
A circa 1920 French hammered and gilt iron rectangular chandelier with 6 lights. Original finish and patina.
height: 32 in.
depth: 17.5 in.
width/length: 22 in.
Carlos De La Puente Antiques
209 E 59th Street 212-751-4228
An antique English circa 1900 hammered and wrought iron six-arm chandelier with central figure and original finish.
Drop: 45"
Length: 35"
Width: 15"
A large circa 1940's English wrought iron chandelier with gilt details depicting a fox and a hare with 2 hanging bottom rods and 8 lights.
Length: 54"
Width: 28"
Drop: 39"
A circa 1920's Italian wrought iron three-arm chandelier with six interior lights and clear and blue art glass inset.
Diameter: 31"
Current drop: 48" (adjustable)
A forged iron, circa 1920 Spanish chandelier with scrolling body and forged chain. Original finish. 5 lights.
Height: 28"
Depth: 3"
Width/length: 32"
A circa 1900 Spanish wrought iron chandelier with hammered finish dragon heads, six up-lights and two down in the central body.
Height: 39"
Length: 47"
Width: 20"
A circa 1920's Italian wrought iron chandelier with 16 lights and milk glass shades.
Height: 32.5" (adjustable drop)
Depth: 28.5"
Width/length: 78"
A circa 1970's large Swedish midcentury 12-light wrought iron chandelier with patinated finish, amber and clear glass globes and pendants.
Diameter: 44"
Drop: 45"
A wrought and gilt iron chandelier. 2 concentric rings form the body, with 8 lights on the outer ring. Original patina
Height: 40" min. drop,
Diameter: 52"
A long, wrought iron chandelier with original painted finish and with foliage motif. With shield and crown details on body. 6 lights
75" long, 49" drop
209 East 59th Street
Large wrought iron balloon shaped chandelier with 8 arms and 4 lights inside the basket at bottom.
70" min. drop
48" diameter
209 East 60th street
NY, NY 10022
A pair of circa 1920’s Italian single-light iron chandeliers with verdigris body with blue flowers. Sold individually.
Drop: 17″
Width: 15″
Depth: 3″
A Swedish six-light wrought iron chandelier with painted finish and molded glass pendants in blue, and clear tones.
Diameter: 19"
Height: 24.5
Pair of circa 1950's Swedish wrought iron and molded glass chandeliers, wired for electricity. Sold individually.
Min. drop: 47"
Diameter: 23"
Set of eight Italian circa 1920's cast iron light fixtures with foliage motif and six interior lights each. Sold individually.
Diameter 20"
Drop (adjustable) 18"
A set of ten circa 1920s English wrought iron horizontal downlight chandeliers with bronze details. Sold individually.
Drop: 21"
Length: 30"
Depth: 7"
Set of three Swedish circa 1960's wrought iron chandeliers with molded art glass pendants and twelve lights each. Sold individually.
Height: 41"
Diameter: 20"
A French circa 1910 forged iron chandelier with 12 lights with leaf and flower motif and original patina.
Minimum drop: 32"
Diameter: 23"
A circa 1960's Swedish eight-light wrought iron chandelier with painted finish and molded glass pendants in blue, amber and clear.
Diameter: 33"
Height of body: 22"
A French circa 1940's eight-arm wrought iron chandelier with gilt details, amethyst and smoke rock crystal drops.
Minimum drop: 33"
Diameter: 30"